Send a document for signature via Connect (API)

-Add a small paragraph about how the API is used for.

API Request Structure

On the following section you will find all the necessary attributes to successfully interac zith the API.

API URL available through{version}/requests


add quick note about the current and available API version:

Request Headers

You will find all the details regarding Payload Structure

Content-TypeIs always application/jsonYes
AuthorizationThis is where you can paste your authorization bearerYes

If you don't have an authorization bearer yet, please follow the instructions on the following page: .

Request Payload Data Structure

You will find all the details regarding Payload Structure

data.user_titleThe title that you want to use to address the person your sending the request to. This title can be used in the email that will be sent and can be pre-filled in the Penbox form.No
data.storyblok_emailIf you want to use the Penbox template for the email to sent, you can pt 'true' for this attributeNo
user.emailThe email to which you will send the signature requestYes
user.localeThe language you want to use to send the email and formYes
user.given_nameThe first name of the person to which you're sending the requestYes
user.family_nameThe last name of the person to which you're sending the requestYes
user.internal_refAn internal reference number that you have for the person/company that you're sending the request to.No
options.signature_methodsms, handwritten, null, emailYes
options.invite_scenario_custom_frequencyThe frequency in days at which the reminders are sentYes
options.handler_emailnull: the handler will be the same person as the owner
"other": you can define a different person as handler in the attribute options.handler_email_other
"none": No handler is defined, which means that nobody will be notified via email when the request is completed
options.handler_email_otherEmail address of the handler of the request, the handler is the person that will be notified when the request is completed.Yes (when "other" is defined for the attribute options.handler_email)
options.attachments_to_sign"base64": the format of the file to sign in base64
"name": the name of the file to sign
"metadata": the metadata of the file to sign
"type": the type of the file to sign, which is mostly pdf
owner.emailTo define the owner of the requestNo
flow.slugThe slug of the flow you want to useYes
    "data": {
        "user_title": "madam",
        "storyblok_email": false
    "user": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "locale": "fr",
        "given_name": "Olivia",
        "family_name": "Peeters",
        "internal_ref": "Penbox001"
    "options" : {
        "signature_method": "sms",
        "attachments_to_sign": {
            "base64": "" //Please insirt your file in a B64 format for this attribute,
            "name": "Quote Test Olivia.pdf",
            "metadata": {},
            "type": "application/pdf"
        "merge_signed_document": true
        "email":"[email protected]"
    "flow": {
        "slug": "servicing-file-sign"

Try your request

Lets try out our complete request.

Please be aware that the header will be differently according to the user.
To get your authorization bearer please follow the instructions on this page.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImNvbm5lY3QtMTYxNTU2MzUzMSJ9.eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJwZW5ib3gtZGV2Iiwic3ViIjoiZ29vZ2xlLW9hdXRoMnwxMTE2NDQyMjc2NzE0ODE1NDg0NDMiLCJlbWFpbCI6InBpZXJyZS52YW5oYWVyZW5AcGVuYm94LmlvIiwic2NvcGUiOiJjb21wYW55OmQwZTFkMmUxLTliZmEtNGUyNi04ZjZiLWYyM2YzYWZiMzlmZCIsImlhdCI6MTY5MTM5OTY3OSwiZXhwIjoxNjkxNDAzMjc5LCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2NvcmUucGVuYm94LmlvIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jb25uZWN0LnBlbmJveC5pbyJ9.djqnqz4s8TNRk64piHj3bGqVBXtfgr49xSYMzlZUE-93dHkk6ufwUy6Jt2LUZ-kej2EalnukPx5SqCYjTZGESwsU7UWIpVGLbeSzIk1ziKivx9TnN6vEKm_WNGIaAQJaxtc5WMFwXi5n76uzXrn0F9gNv63jPMIdBH-bzeGKxZ_2fqfpbh7eSAs7nBb5XTjG2AEwnQGoe_lQGfLlYJyz-vfV2Li-5KcOFtkBegskvCmnbxVXq9rX6LfJ0wna2J-kgsXgv2LiSGvoplQ-H0InOBWz2yz3F7rgm-u6eaR-h1H8wdsn1EJUcSktcFj3DA7IOvcYAzGxIJGoRfZuK1HeCia2bUQ0qmcz9BHCKtQL_ZF9z4JSBg9oA4Ra1ZC6GHNyVNKOwbmUNjEqJ2LA2b6lPpVfyMsfZmIZNqWg8DwCMODzvUfmS3T7ofUQ5HxOQQNyRj9bD_omycZyVAZhpJ88Q5Eh2rQ29nou8tebEKH7l_knw_z1jbsVmxAyhf1Z3uYxgT0EJzXgC3A9ldcuxvfJ3nwp-eKgT-yjZaF8uOUqRxZ7cs9FQXgV6pmtfv-c-3uhDnHHl-Wx9sX7Rv1c3uNE1oRvuYtdi-1L78boyQNTgTBdP80xrcHY8wpR4OkMYmLMUS4HGsoi9U0TOMjS6NRu23GrAsLje5Hho5yGT-RoFoY' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "user_title": "madam",
        "storyblok_email": false
    "user": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "locale": "fr",
        "given_name": "Olivia",
        "family_name": "Peeters",
        "internal_ref": "Penbox001"
    "options" : {
        "signature_method": "sms",
        "attachments_to_sign": {
            "base64": "" //Please insirt your file in a B64 format for this attribute,
            "name": "Quote Test Olivia.pdf",
            "type": "application/pdf"
        "email":"[email protected]"
    "flow": {
        "slug": "servicing-file-sign"
    "webhooks": {
        "": ["responses:completed"]


Congrats, at this point you should be able to create your own signature request via API

API Response Structure

On this section we will be explaining all the response details of a signature request.

signed_documents.uriThe uri to get the signed document
signed_documents.nameThe name of the signed document
signed_documents.typeThe format of the signed document
signed_documents.statusThe status of the singed document. When "finished" the document is signed
"responses": [
            "id": "1f2ebbbd-bd3c-45fd-b2b4-1c19bf4638c4",
            "data": {},
            "user": {},
            "attachments": [],
            "signatures": {
                "signed_documents": {
                    "uri": "",
                    "name": "a detroyer signed documents",
                    "type": "application/zip",
                    "status": "finished"