Create a request as automation

Using a CORE automation, you can create a request from an existing request.


In order to create an automation to create a request, you will need to switch to script mode.

This article will explain you how you can create a request from an existing request. Using a CORE Automation, it is possible to reuse existing data from your request and create a new one.

In order to do so, create a new Automation and add a new Action of type "Core".

Switch to Script mode. You should see the following:

  "name": "New automation",
    "on": [
      "actions": [
          "type": "core",
          "options": {}

Change the script to the following one:

  "on": [
  "name": "Create new request",
  "actions": [
      "ref": "new_request",
      "type": "core",
      "result": [
          "type": "link",
          "options": {
            "uri": "{$company.attributes.slug}?id={$}"
      "options": {
        "data": {
          "type": "requests",
          "attributes": {
            "data": "{ data }",
            "user": "{ user }",
            "active_from": null
          "relationships": {
            "owner": "{ $request.relationships.owner }",
            "flow_customization": {
              "data": {
                "id": "039a0bb7-a8dd-4e57-8b29-bd72f94094c1",
                "type": "flow_customizations"
        "action": "create",
        "continue-on-error": true

Where is the uuid of the form preset you want to use.

This payload will:

  • Create a new request using the form preset 039a0bb7-a8dd-4e57-8b29-bd72f94094c1
  • Assign the same owner as the owner of the current request
  • Redirect the user to the newly created request
  • Prefill the request with the same information from data and user as the current request.

The form template ID can be found when visting this page and extracting the URL:


The uuid is the id at the end of the URL.