Penbox allows you to configure automations to streamline your workflows by executing specific actions based on events—or triggers—associated with the requests you send to your contacts.
Supported Triggers
- Response Created: Triggered as soon as the contact opens the form for the first time.
- Response Updated: Triggered when the contact begins filling out the form but hasn’t completed it. If the contact completes and submits the form in one session, only the "Response Completed" trigger will activate.
- Response Completed: Triggered when the contact completes and submits the form.
- Response Declined: Triggered if the contact declines to complete the form (only available if this option is enabled for the form).
- Request Expired: Triggered when the request expires without being completed (default expiration is 60 days).
- Manual: Triggered manually by a user within the Penbox app.
Available Actions
- API Call: Send a customizable API request to a specified URL with a configurable payload (refer to the dedicated section for authentication and mapping details).
- Email: Send an email with a customized message, attached files, summaries, and more (see the Email Action Section for details).
- Core Actions: Perform core operations within Penbox, such as creating another request.
Updated about 2 months ago