Pen-scripts functions



Return the sum of a list of values:

	":sum": [3, 5, 10]

Is undefined if an element of the list is a string or an object.


Returns the product of a list of values:

	":product": [12, 5]


Returns the max of a list of values:

	":max": [12, 5]
    ":max": [
        { ":date": "2022-12-01" },
        { ":date": "2022-01-01" }

Also works with date formats (check second tab).


Returns the min of a list of values:

	":min": [12, 5]
    ":min": [
        { ":date": "2022-12-01" },
        { ":date": "2022-01-01" }

Also works with date formats (check second tab).


Returns true if the second value is higher than the first value provided in the list:

	":increasing": [12, 5]


:if :then :else

Evaluate expression in :if. Return :then if expression returns a trurthy value (eg: a string not empty is a truthy value), return :else otherwise.

  ":if": {},
  ":then": {},
  ":else": {}

:case :when

Evaluate a value and return the block associated with the value (in most language it corresponds to a switch):

    ":case": "{ data.my_key }",
    ":when": [


Returns true if the evaluated expression is defined (neither null nor undefined).


  ":defined": "{data.key}"


Compare a value with an other value using a function.

The list of possible functions:

  • :eq compares if the two elements are equal
  • :gt compares if the first element is greater than the second one
  • :ge compares if the first element is greater or equal to the second one
  • :lt compares if the first element is lower than the second one
  • :le compares if the first element is lower or equal to the second one
  ":cmp": "{data.my_var}",
  ":eq": 2 // could be "my_value"


Evaluate if a value is present in a list:

  ":in": ["val1", ["val1", "val2"]]


Evaluate if a list contains a value:

  ":includes": [["val1", "val2"], "val1"]


Evaluate of some elements from a list can be found in some elements from an other list:

  ":intersects": [["val1", "val2"], ["val1", "val3"]]


Give the reverse boolean value of an expression:

  ":not": true


Evaluate if an expression is true.

  ":true": "{data.my_var}"


Evaluate if an expression is false.

  ":false": "{data.my_var}"


Evaluate if all the expressions in the list return a truthy value

  ":every": [{":defined": "{data.my_var}"}, "{data.my_other_var}"]


Evaluate if at least one of the expressions in the list return a truthy value

  ":some": [{":defined": "{data.my_var}"}, "{data.my_other_var}"]


Returns the first undefined value of an list:

	":coalesce": [null, "{data.some_undefined_value}", "default value"]

List & loops


Return a list of integer from index_start to index_end:

  ":range": [index_start, index_end]

{":range": [4, 10]} will return a value of [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

:array :fill

Create an array with a specified length and optionally fill it using an expression.

  ":array": 5,
  ":fill": {
    "label": "Contact person {@position}",
    "elements": []

The following variables are accessible in the :fill context:

  • @first: boolean, true if first item
  • @index: current index, starting counting at 0
  • @position: current position. Equals to index + 1
  • @last: boolean, true if last item

:map :to

Loop in a list and return an array evaluated for every element found.

  ":map": ["foo", "bar"],
  ":to": []

It can also be:

  "foo": {
    ":map": [
      {"key1": "foo", "key2": "bar"},
      {"key1": "ding", "key2": "dong"}
    ":to": [

The following variables are accessible in the :to context:

  • @item: the content of the current item
  • @first: boolean, true if first item
  • @index: current index, starting counting at 0
  • @position: current position. Equals to index + 1
  • @last: boolean, true if last item



Based on the list of objects provided, overwrite the keys of the current object with the later.


  ":assign": [
      "key1": "foo",
      "key2": "bar"
      "key2": "foo2"


  "key1": "foo",
  "key2": "foo2"


Transform an object into a list with the input evaluated in ::as. Optional argument ::order-bywith value keyor value.


	"variables": [
      "test_object": {
        "gender": "female",
        "given_name": "Olivia",
        "family_name": "De Smet"
      "test2": {
        ":object-entries": "{user}",
        ":as": {
          "key": "{@value}",
          "value": "{@key}"
      "test": {
        ":object-entries": "{user}",
        ":as": "{@value}"

Will return:

  "test2": [
      "key": "De Smet",
      "value": "family_name"
      "key": "female",
      "value": "gender"
      "key": "Olivia",
      "value": "given_name"
  "test": [
    "De Smet",

What’s Next

in the next chapter we'll focus on the signature element.